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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Genesee Community College Privacy Statement

Genesee’s Commitment to Privacy

Genesee Community College (Genesee) is committed to protecting your privacy. 本网站旨在使个人和企业更容易、更有效地与Genesee互动. 我们认识到,对于个人和企业来说,在访问Genesee网站时,确保他们的隐私受到保护是至关重要的.

This statement describes Genesee’s privacy practices regarding information collected from users of this website. This statement describes what information is collected and how that information is used. This statement is consistent with the provisions of the Internet Security and Privacy Act, the Freedom of Information Law, the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), and the Personal Privacy Protection Law.

Genesee does not collect any personal information about you unless you provide that information voluntarily by filing an application, sending an email, responding to a survey, enabling your computer to reveal your username on that system, or completing an online transaction.


The following definitions apply to, and appear in italics, in this statement:

  • Personal Information – shall have the meaning set forth in subdivision 5 of section 202 of the State Technology Law.
  • User – shall have the meaning set forth in subdivision 8 of section 202 of the State Technology Law.

Information Collected Automatically When You Visit this Website

Genesee automatically collects and stores the following information about each website visit:

  • IP Address – The hostname or Internet Protocol address of the user requesting access to the Genesee website.
  • Method – The request method used.
  • Referrer – The referrer specifies the web page from which the user accessed the current web page.
  • Request – The exact request the user made.
  • Status – The status code the server returned to the user.
  • System Date – The date and time of the user‘s request.
  • Universal Resource Identifier (URI) – The location of a resource on the server.
  • URI Query String – Anything after the question mark in a URI.
  • User Agent – The user agent information includes the type of browser, its version, and the operating system on which that the browser is running.

以上收集的信息仅用于内部统计分析,并用于帮助我们改进本网站的内容, navigation, and user experience. Genesee不会出售或以其他方式披露从我们的网站收集的信息用于非大学商业营销目的.


To better serve you, we use ‘cookies’ to enhance or customize your visit to this website. Cookies是一种简单的文本文件,存储在您的网页浏览器中,用以区分本网站的用户. The use of cookies is a standard practice among Internet websites. To better serve you, we use “session cookies” to enhance or customize your visit to this website. Session cookies can be created automatically on the device you use to access A session cookie is erased during operation of your browser or when your browser is closed. 这些会话cookie不包含个人信息,不会危及您的隐私或安全. 我们可能会使用cookie功能在您访问本网站的设备上存储随机生成的识别标签.

Information Collected When You Email Genesee or Complete a Transaction

During your visit to Genesee’s website you may send an email to Genesee. Your email address and the contents of your message will be collected. The information collected is not limited to text characters and may include audio, video, and graphic information formats included in the message. Your email address and the information included in your message will be used to respond to you, to address issues you identify, to improve this website, or to forward your message to another Genesee contact for appropriate action. Your email address is not collected for non-university commercial purposes and Genesee will not sell or otherwise disclose your email address for non-university commercial purposes.

During your visit to Genesee’s website you may complete a transaction such as a survey, registration, application, or other business transaction. The information collected by Genesee, including personal information volunteered by you in completing the transaction, is used by Genesee and may be disclosed by Genesee for those purposes that may be reasonably ascertained from the nature and terms of the transaction in which the information was submitted.

Genesee does not knowingly collect personal information from children or create profiles of children through this website. Users are cautioned, however, that the collection of personal information submitted in an email will be treated as though it was submitted by an adult, and may, unless exempted from access by federal or State law, be subject to public access. Genesee强烈鼓励家长和老师参与孩子的互联网活动,并在孩子被要求提供指导时提供指导 personal information online.

Information and Choice

As noted above, Genesee does not collect any personal information about you unless you provide that information voluntarily by filing an application, sending an email, responding to a survey, enabling your computer to reveal your username on that system, or completing an online transaction.

You may choose not engage in any of these activities. 您选择不参加这些活动可能会限制您通过本网站获得特定服务或产品的能力, 它通常不会对您利用本网站其他功能的能力产生影响, including some browsing or downloading information.

Disclosure of Information Collected Through This Website

通过本网站收集的信息和披露的信息受互联网安全和隐私法的规定. Genesee will only collect personal information through this website or disclose personal information collected through this website if the user has consented to the collection or disclosure of such personal information. The voluntary disclosure of personal information to Genesee by the user, whether solicited or unsolicited, 即表示同意Genesee为上述目的而收集和披露信息 user disclosed the information to the Genesee, as was reasonably ascertainable from the nature and terms of the disclosure.

Genesee may however collect or disclose personal information (1)为履行Genesee的法定职责所必需的, or necessary for Genesee to operate a program authorized by law, or authorized by state or federal statute or regulation; (2) made pursuant to a court order or by law; (3) for the purpose of validating the identity of the user; or (4) of information to be used solely for statistical purposes that is in a form that cannot be used to identify any particular person.

The disclosure of information, including personal information, collected via this website is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Law, the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), and the Personal Privacy Protection Law.

Genesee may also disclose personal information to federal, state or local law enforcement authorities to enforce its rights against unauthorized access or attempted unauthorized access to Genesee’s information technology assets.

Retention of Information Collected Through this website

The information collected through .由Genesee根据记录保留和处置要求保留 New York State Arts & Cultural Affairs Law. In general, the Internet services logs of Genesee, 包括电子文件或自动日志,用于监控通过客户提供的机构服务的访问和使用.edu, are archived for future reference. Information, including personal information, that you submit in an e-mail or when you complete a survey, application, financial transaction, registration form, or order form is retained in accordance with the records retention and disposition schedule established for the records of the program unit to which you submitted the information. 有关这些记录保留和处置时间表的信息可以通过本声明中列出的互联网隐私声明lol电竞菠菜获得.

Access to and Correction of Personal Information Collected Through this Website

Any user may submit a request to Genesee’s privacy compliance office to determine whether personal information pertaining to that user has been collected through this website. 任何此类要求均应以书面提出,并必须附有用户的合理身份证明. Reasonable proof of identity may include verification of a signature, inclusion of an identifier generally known only to the user, or similar appropriate identification. The address of the privacy compliance office is:

Internet Privacy Compliance Office
c/o Computer Services T-212
Genesee Community College
One College Rd.
Batavia, NY 14020

The privacy compliance office shall, within five (5) business days of the receipt of a proper request, provide access to the personal information; deny access in writing, explaining the reasons therefore; or acknowledge the receipt of the request in writing, stating the approximate date when the request will be granted or denied, which date shall not be more than thirty (30) days from the date of the acknowledgment.

In the event that Genesee has collected personal information pertaining to a user through and that information is to be provided to the user pursuant to the user’s request, the privacy compliance office shall inform the user of his or her right to request that the personal information be amended or corrected under the procedures set forth in section 95 of the Public Officers Law.

Confidentiality and Integrity of Personal Information Collected Through this Website

Genesee is strongly committed to protecting personal information collected through this website against unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Consequently, Genesee limits employee access to personal information 通过本网站收集的资料只提供给在执行公务时需要查阅的雇员. 有权访问此信息的员工遵循与任何披露相关的适当程序 personal information.

In addition, Genesee has implemented procedures to safeguard the integrity of its information technology assets, including, but not limited to, authentication, authorization, monitoring, auditing, and encryption. These security procedures have been integrated into the design, implementation, and day-to-day operations of this website as part of our continuing commitment to the security of electronic content as well as the electronic transmission of information.

For website security purposes and to maintain the availability of the website for all users, Genesee采用软件监控流量,以识别未经授权的上传或更改信息或以其他方式破坏本网站的企图.

In order to provide users with certain information, this website provides links to the websites of other organizations. Such links provided on this website do not constitute an endorsement of the content, viewpoint, accuracy, opinions, policies, products, services, or accessibility of that website.

Disclaimer of Liability

应注意的是,本隐私声明中提供的信息不应被解释为给予业务, legal, or other advice, or warranting as fail proof, the security of information provided through Genesee. Although every effort is made to provide accurate and complete information, we cannot guarantee that there will be no errors. With respect to documents and information on this website neither Genesee, nor their employees and contractors make any warranty, expressed or implied, 包括对本网站提供的文件的适销性和适用于特定目的的保证. Additionally, Genesee assumes no legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or process disclosed herein and do not represent that use of such information or process would not infringe on privately owned rights.

Classroom Learning Expectations

Cell Phones

Cell phone use on campus is allowed but should never be disruptive to others. Please silence your cell phone whenever possible. Refer to your course syllabus with regard to your instructor’s rules on cell phone use in class.

Class Attendance & Participation

Regular attendance, as specified by the instructor, is expected of all students. 出席在线课程是通过参与课程讨论和/或作业来证明的. 长时间缺席或不参加(由于疾病或受伤)应立即报告给你的导师(和/或学生服务副校长). 注册课程但未开始上课的学生将在该学期的人口普查后被行政撤回. The student remains liable for tuition and charges incurred upon registration.

Classroom Behavior & Civility

Being a Genesee student requires appropriate adult behavior and respect for others. Instructors can set classroom rules of conduct, require adherence to standards of civility appropriate to learning, and have the right to remove anyone for disruption or obstruction of those standards, or for violation of any law or College policy. Please refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.

Course Withdrawal

Faculty do not withdraw students for non-attendance. It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw, in writing, from a course prior to the withdrawal deadlines.

Plagiarism & Cheating

作弊是指获取或故意提供未经授权的信息,以在考试中获得不公平的优势, assignment, or classroom situation. Plagiarism is the act of presenting and claiming words, ideas, data, programming code or creations of others as one’s own. Plagiarism may be intentional – as in a false claim of authorship – or unintentional – as in a failure to document information sources using MLA (Modern Language Association), APA(美国心理协会)或学院教师采用的其他样式表或手册. 在原始材料中使用精确或接近精确的措辞来表达观点构成抄袭, as does patching together paraphrased statements without in-text citation. The purchasing or sharing of papers or projects between students or the re-use of papers or projects submitted for more than one assignment or class also constitutes plagiarism. Disciplinary action may include a failing grade on an assignment or test, a failing grade for the course, suspension or expulsion from the college, as described in the Code of Conduct.


All Genesee Community College buildings are designated smoke-free.

Time Expectations

For every hour in class, successful college-level work requires about two hours for out-of-class work: reading, writing, research, labs, discussion, field work, etc. In time demands, a 15-credit load would be about equivalent to working a full-time job—for Summer and Winter semesters, this is doubled due to the shortened academic term.

Academic Computing Policies

Genesee Community College has a number of policies relating to computer use. Please take the time to become familiar with them. If you have questions about these policies, feel free to stop into the Student Resource Center (T212) on campus or to contact Patricia Chaya, Dean of Students.

The college has policies on the following topics:

Dealing with Students who Misuse College Computing Resources


The use of computing and information processing resources is a privilege granted by the College to students who have demonstrated an appropriate need in their program of study or work assignment at Genesee Community College. GCC计算机资源的所有用户必须遵守纽约州和联邦法律的适用法规, in particular, Chapter 514 of the New York State Penal Law. 本程序的目的是概述在怀疑学生滥用电脑资源时应采取的步骤.


A. 学生-学生是注册并参加任何大学教学计划的个人.

B. Computing Resources – Computing resources consists of, but are not limited to, computing equipment, software, program code, manuals, computer data, program output, printers, computer paper, computing services, CPU time, etc.

C. 滥用计算资源-以下应构成滥用大学计算资源的定义:

  1. A person is guilty of unauthorized use of a computer when he or she knowingly uses or causes to be used a computer or computer service without authorization and the computer utilized is equipped or programmed with any device or coding system, a function of which is to prevent the unauthorized use of said computer or computer system.
  2. A person is guilty of computer trespassing when he or she knowingly uses or causes to be used a computer or computer service without authorization and he thereby knowingly gains access to computer material.
  3. A person is guilty of unlawful duplication of computer related material when having no right to do so, he or she copies, reproduces, or duplicates software in any manner.
  4. A person is guilty of misuse when he or she intentionally seeks information on, obtain copies of, or modifies files or passwords belonging to others.
  5. 当一个人故意开发或使用骚扰其他用户的程序时,他或她就犯了滥用罪, infiltrates a computing system, or damages or alters the software or data components of a computing system.
  6. 当一个人授权与学院无关的个人使用一个帐户时,他或她就犯了滥用罪, or uses the academic computers for non-academic related work.
  7. 当一个人未能配合或遵循既定的计算资源程序时,他或她就犯了滥用罪.


任何学院的教职员工(包括SCT的员工或受雇的学生)都可以认定学生是计算机资源的潜在滥用者. After identification, 计算机服务主任或他/她的代表可以拒绝学生使用计算机资源长达24小时. The Dean of Students and appropriate Associate Dean shall be notified immediately.

After consultation with the appropriate Associate Dean, Director of Computer Services and involved faculty, 教务处可将禁止进入的时间延长至多10个教学日. During this period, the following College disciplinary procedures shall be implemented.



学生滥用计算机资源的决定应由为此目的设立的大学听证委员会作出. The Board shall consist of the following members:

a. The Dean of Students who shall serve as Chairperson.
b. 由学术会议主席任命的教员,如果主席不在,则由负责学术事务的副校长任命.
c. An administrator appointed by the College President.
d. 由学生会主席指定的学生,如果学生会主席不在,则由学生活动总监指定.

In each situation, the student will be officially charged with violation of this procedure by the Director of Computer Services who shall be responsible for coordinating the presentation of evidence with the Chairperson of the Hearing Board.

The following agenda shall be followed in conducting a meeting of the Hearing Board:

  1. Introduction
  2. Presentation of charges
  3. Pleas by student charged
  4. Presentation of evidence
  5. Rebuttal of evidence
  6. Determination of guilt or innocence
  7. Presentation of information relative to penalty (if appropriate)
  8. Rebuttal of information relative to penalty (if appropriate)
  9. Determination of recommended penalty (if appropriate)
  10. Adjournment

The Hearing Board shall consider all evidence presented to it, determine guilt or innocence and, if appropriate, make a recommendation to the College President relative to an appropriate penalty.

Penalties may include, but are not limited to:

a. Denial of access to computer resources for a definite or indefinite period of time.
b. Suspension for a definite or indefinite period of time.
c. Dismissal from the College.
d. In the case of a student who has withdrawn from college, denial of readmission.

If because of a tie vote, the Hearing board is unable to make a single recommendation, the Board shall summarize its findings and present alternative recommendations to the President.

Overall management of the disciplinary process shall be the responsibility of the Dean of Students. 院长应确保每个被指控违反本程序的学生享有以下程序权利:

a. Be provided a written statement regarding the nature of the problem and evidence related hereto.
b. Be advised of the date and place of the hearing at least three instructional days in advance.
c. Be advised that he/she is entitled to be represented and advised by a person of his or her choice.
d. Be advised of the procedure to be followed during the hearing, including the right of the student to review any material presented to the Board, and to either participate or to remain silent.
e. The right to appeal the recommendation of the Hearing Board directly to the College President.

Statement of Non-Discrimination

Genesee computer systems shall not be used for transmission of information that promotes:

  • discrimination on the basis of age, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, creed, color, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation;
  • sexual harassment;
  • copyright infringement;
  • personal political beliefs;
  • personal business interests; or
  • any unlawful activity.

Statement of Privacy and Confidentiality

  1. Network and system managers will treat the contents of electronic files as private and confidential. Any deliberate inspection of electronic files, and action based on such inspection, will be governed by all applicable U.S. and New York laws and by College policies.
  2. Electronic mail at Genesee is as private as possible. 试图读取他人的电子邮件或其他受保护的文件将被严肃对待. 系统管理员不会读取邮件或非全球可读文件,除非在其职责过程中绝对必要, and will treat the contents of those files as private information at all times.
  3. 所有用户都应该注意,系统管理员会定期对Genesee系统进行安全检查,包括, but not limited to, password and file checks.
  4. The system may have utilities or operating procedures which disclose student information; users can control this information in a manner consistent with other sources of directory information. 学院将向学生提供必要的信息,以行使他们的FERPA权利和压制目录信息.
  5. As a part of system maintenance, Computer Services may run programs that examine user files and transmission of data. This will not be construed as a deliberate inspection of user files or data.

User Responsibilities

Users of Genesee computing resources have the following responsibilities:

  1. Users are expected to comply with all hardware and software licensing agreements. Software is licensed by the College for users and may be subject to limitations.
  2. 用户不得在未经授权的情况下尝试访问不属于任何Genesee系统上的用户的任何帐户. 任何可疑的未经授权的使用用户帐户应立即报告给学术计算主任或计算机服务主任.
  3. 用户不应使用任何Genesee系统作为破解(或闯入)其他计算机系统的集结地.
  4. Users are expected not to use any Genesee system through unauthorized dial-up access.
  5. Users are expected not to use any Genesee system for illegal or criminal purposes.
  6. All users are responsible for their own telecommunications access charges, if any.
  7. 任何用户在任何Genesee系统上发现可能存在的安全漏洞,都有义务向学术计算主任或计算机服务主任报告.
  8. Users are responsible for all use of their accounts, including choosing safe passwords and ensuring file protections are set correctly.
  9. Access is granted to individuals, not groups of individuals; passwords are not to be shared under any circumstances.
  10. Keep in mind that many people use the Genesee system for day to day work. Obstructing this work by consuming large amounts of system resources (disk space, CPU time) or be deliberately crashing the machine(s) will not be tolerated. Users are asked to clean up disk space and/or stop processes except in emergencies.
  11. Genesee计算机技术设施和资源不得用于商业目的或与学院无关的活动.
  12. Users are responsible for the integrity of their own data. Where appropriate, users need to make back-up copies of their data files.
  13. Genesee计算资源不得用于传输任何通信,其中包含消息的含义, or its transmission or distribution, would violate any applicable law or regulation or be obscene, abusive or highly offensive or objectionable to the recipient or recipients thereof.
  14. Users are expected to avoid offensive of inflammatory speech. Users must respect the rights of others in the local user community and the Internet at large. Personal attacks are an unacceptable use of the network. If you are a victim of a “flame,” take the time to respond rationally; seek assistance from Computer Services staff, if necessary.
  15. Users are expected to avoid the knowing or inadvertent spread of computer viruses. Do not import files from unknown sources. If you do obtain software from remote sources, follow proper procedure to check for viruses before use. Virus scanning software is available from the Computer Services department.
  16. Impersonation is not permitted. Real names must be used; pseudonyms are not allowed. Anonymity is not allowed; individuals must take responsibility for their action and words.
  17. 用户不允许运行“嗅探器”,这些是在计算机网络中搜索用户id和密码等信息的计算机程序.
  18. Users are not to share their passwords with anyone under any circumstances. 被要求提供密码的用户应立即向学术计算主任或计算机服务主任报告.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat a course for which credit has been received with a grade of A- or lower. If a higher grade is earned upon repeating a course, only the higher of the two grades will be computed to determine a cumulative grade point average (GPA), although both grades will be recorded on transcripts. A student may not repeat a course for which he or she has already received an “A” grade.

任何课程不得仅仅为了增加已更改学时的课程的学分而重修. 该课程只会在毕业要求和总学时计算中被计算一次.

Full-time students who elect to repeat a course for which credit has already been received should register for 12 credit hours relevant to their degree program in addition to the repeated course in order to remain eligible for TAP awards. 全日制学生报修补习课程,须同时报修不少于六学分的非补习学分课程. However, during the first term of funding, a full-time student need only register for at least three credits of non-remedial credit courses. Students at community colleges are eligible for a total of six semesters of TAP funding.

Student Academic Appeals

Students having a complaint concerning an academic matter (for example, a course grade, graduation requirements, transfer credit) may grieve the complaint as follows. (Academic probation status appeals use a separate appeals process.)

在上诉程序开始之前,学生必须与引起投诉的教师或工作人员讨论投诉. If the complaint is not resolved at this point, 然后,学生必须与相应的学术主任或指导院长讨论投诉. When a complaint is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, (s)he may appeal to the Academic Standards Committee of the Academic Senate for a decision on the complaint (The appeals chair will verify that these discussions have taken place or facilitate them.)

  1. The student must initiate contact with the Academic Standards Committee by submitting a Request to Appeal form either electronically via the Genesee Community College website or by U.S. mail addressed to: Office of the Associate Vice President for Student Success, ATTN.: Academic Standards Committee. The form can be found at, or a copy may be obtained from the Office of the Associate Vice President for Student Success. A copy of the appeal form will be forwarded to the Academic Standards Committee Appeals Chair, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the course instructor. 有15天的诉讼时效,可以就所有学生学术上诉问题与学术标准委员会联系. 该诉讼时效从争议成绩公布日期后的下一个完整学期(秋季或春季)的第一天开始. Exceptions to this statute of limitations may be made on a case by case basis. This decision will be made by the appeals chair.
  2. 学术标准申诉主席将与学生联系,并开始申诉程序.  上诉程序的详细信息可以在学生和招生服务副校长办公室找到.
  3. 学术标准委员会的决定,学生可以向主管学术事务的常务副校长提出申诉. The decision by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs will be final.

How to File a Complaint with the New York State Dept. of Education

Section 494 C (j) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, provides that a student, faculty member, 或者任何其他人认为他或她受到高等教育机构的侵害,都有权提出书面投诉.

In New York State, a complaint may be filed by any person with reason to believe that an institution has acted contrary to its published standards or that conditions at the institution appear to jeopardize the quality of the institution’s instructional programs or the general welfare of its students. Any person who believes he or she has been aggrieved by an institution on or after May 4, 1994, 是否可以在事件发生后的三年内向纽约州教育部提出书面投诉, 在首先尝试按照机构提供的内部程序直接向机构解决投诉后. 杰纳西社区学院已经制定了投诉程序,并在学生和招生服务副校长办公室存档. To receive information on these procedures, or to receive advice on filing a formal complaint, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Student and Enrollment Services.

Online Learning Complaint

Genesee Community College desires to resolve student grievances, complaints and concerns in an expeditious, fair and amicable manner. Students residing outside of the State of New York while attending GCC who desire to resolve a grievance should follow the College’s student grievance procedure in the Student Handbook.

However, if an issue cannot be resolved internally, you can contact the New York State Department of Education. The Office of College and University Evaluation handles only those complaints that concern educational programs or practices of degree-granting institutions that are subject to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, with the exceptions noted below.

  • The Office does not handle anonymous complaints.
  • The Office does not intervene in matters concerning an individual’s grades or examination results, as these are the prerogative of the college’s faculty.
  • The Office does not handle complaints concerning actions that occurred more than five years ago.
  • The Office does not intervene in matters that are or have been in litigation.

This statement is in compliance with U. S. Department of Education’s Program Integrity Regulations related to State Authorization.